Thursday, March 09, 2006


701 to the vans...

Well I suppose I should enter a new blog entry since I know you are all waiting to see it. Marquette just lost to Georgetown in the Big East Tourney...I hope you are not hearing that news for the first time here.

I am officially on Spring Break which is pretty cool since I don't have class on Fridays. I'll be going home soon enough. But first I have to go to Catholic Outreach and at least 15 hours of work at SSP. And tommorrow I'll be driving L.I.M.O. instead of supervising. So we'll see how that goes.

Recently, somone pretending to be me has posted a blog claming to know in numerical order exactly what and who I care about. I would like to point out the insensitivity of this issue as my dog Watson was mentioned. Watson is currently expereincing liver or kidney disease were not sure. Either way, he probably hasn't got much time left. So way to be sensitive on the part of the psudo-Tommy. I'll be sure to laugh when one of your best friends is dying.

But here is a revised list:

1. God: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
2. Mary
3. The Roman Catholic Church
4. My family and friends
5. My pets
6. The Youth Group
7. Student Safety/Public Safety
8. Rockford Park District Forest City Queen/Trolley Car #36
9. Pizza
10. Superman/Batman
11. The Apollo Missions (NASA in genneral)
12. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
13. The Blues Brothers
14. The Packers
15. Oreos

If your going to try and label my in a numeric sequence at least get it right.

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