Monday, July 31, 2006


Hey Folks...

Today I decided it would be fun to write a "Len" e-mail. Hope some you will enjoy this.

Hey Folks

The other day I was sitting in Spanish Class working on a composition. Now the funny thing about being in spanish class and writing in spanish is the fact that I really don't know any spanish. I can speak spanish about as well as I can play guitar, and just ask Len that's not very good.

So I was sitting there staring at the blank paper. This paper needed to have writing on it in the next 20 mintues, or I was going to fail the assignment.

It reminded me of other times I've had to write things. We've all had that 10 page paper, or talk for a retreat that we needed to write. Sometimes we have all these great ideas going through our head and are really excited about the possibilities of what may happen. But then we inevitibly sit down with our pen and paper to write and something happens that stops us dead in our tracks. Maybe some idea we had for the basis of the paper or talk turned out that it wouldnt work. Maybe the whole paper or talk was based on that one idea. And that result in writer's block and this can be a very scary feeling, especially when the paper or talk is due the next day!

I was reflecting on this in my prayer time today. Sometimes our life can be a lot like writing a paper or talk. We have all these great ideas about what we want to do with our life. They can even be great ideas that we think we are including Jesus in on. We can plan to get married to our boyfriend and girlfriend and raise a truly Catholic family ( a noble vocation). Or we could apply to a seminary or convent to dedicate our life to the Lord in a religious vocation. But sometimes our plans just don't work out the way we thought they were going to.

Our boyfriend or girlfriend could break up with us, the seminary or convent could not accept us. Then all of a sudden we have these great plans, contingent on our one idea that are suddenly going no where. We have encountered a big blank piece of paper in our vocation.

But this is where the metaphor between the big paper or talk you have to write and our vocational discernment ends. You see we may have a deadline for the paper, but when it comes to our Vocation, we are completely on God's time. We may think that we want to know right now what we're suppossed to do with our life. But if we are diligently praying and trusting in God to lead us in our discernment, then there is really no reason to be pushing a deadline. The hard part is handing over the pen and trusting God to write the story of our vocation for us.

We may think we know what we want to do, but we have to always remember God has a plan for us. God reminds us through the words of the Prophet Jeremiah, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you" Jeremiah 1:5.

God's always had a plan for us, the trick is to completely let go and trust in that plan. There is a reason God has placed in whatever roles we have. Whether it's Kyrios team, a certain college, a certain job, and it even sometimes explains why we are friends with certain people. We must trust that God has a plan for us, and will in His time present us the people, tools, and most importantly the courage we need to discern what the Lord has planned for us.

Have a good week Len, Colleen, and I are praying for you.





Sunday, July 30, 2006


Uncle Bill was wrong...

Hello friends.

Just a quick update to inform some of you of the tremendous weekend I have just had. This will be humorous as much as always, but quite possibly a little serious. Hopefully you will be able to tell the two apart.

This weekend I was fortunate enough to be invited to my former House Mate, Bryce's cabin in Minnesota. I made the 9 hour journey with my current roommate Sam. Aside from threating to kill one another, we shared in good discourse as well as tremendous tunes from the radio and Ipod as well.

The first adventure began as we were heading out of Milwaukee on I-94 West. For those of you unfamiliar with 94, it was in fact once a Pirate shipping lane. The ghosts of many spirits are rumored to haunt the highway making it one of the most exciting and yet most dangerous roads you will ever travel. Fortunately we however, did not run into any pirates. We did however, encounter a Tornado. That's right there was a Tornado Warning (Tornado reported spotted on the ground) in Waukesha county just as we were driving through formentioned county.

We didn't see the tornado but it was pretty much zero visibilty.

After that things were pretty unexciting til we tried to cross the Wisconsin/Minnesota border. You see, Minnesota and Wisconsin don't get a long very well. I think it stems from the fact that Minnesota's wife cheated on them with Wisconsin. Either way it gets kind of messy and soap opera-ish.

Well at the border, the Minnesotian mounties (horseless, they were however utilizing large pogo sticks) asked our reason for entering their state. Well to be funny I told the guy, we were planning on stealing the Golden Loon Statue from the State Capital. Well apparently they take that very seriously in Minnesota. They tried to apprehend us. Sam's car may not accelerate as fast as my Jeep, but it can sure out run a pogo stick any day.

We made a quick stop at a gas station to pick out a clever disguise. I went with Sunglasses, Sam chose the more subtle Huricane Katrina refugee. Eitherway we got away. I did however get hit on by the check out girl at the gas station. I think she could tell I was on the lamb or loon as it were as was attracted to my sheer outlaw nature. I got her number on the reciept for the sunglasses. But it's hard to communicate, every time I call a voice just answers "Thank you for calling Citgo, how can I help you?" So we'll see how it goes from there.

We eventually made it safe and sound to Bryce's cabin. It was a great weekend relaxing with friends old and older. It was great to get out of Milwaukee and just be away without a care in the world. I took a lot of time to pray and read.

It was almost a retreat. I learned a lot about myself, about my relationships, about where my faith is, where it is going, and quite possibliy my desitny. It was a truly memorable weekend, one that the effects of will not soon be forgotten. Hopefully the Lord was using this weekend as a way to prepare for the up comming Kyrios weekend.

Also in Minnesota we swam in the lake. There are an alleged 10,000 lakes in Minnesota. I saw 23 of them. Not to mention crossing the Mississippi River 3 times while traveling the SAME direction.

After surviving tornados, mosquitos, and venemous mutant fish, its time to get back to the real world of Spanish class and JFK conspiracy. Hmm. I said this was going to have some humor in it but it was pretty much all the truth. This weekend was pretty mucht the greatest thing ever!

Ladies and Gentlemen take my advice, friends and the relationships you have with them are perhaps one of the greatest gifts God has given us. Remember to make sure you are always friends with Jesus. But never take your friends for granted. Make sure they know how important they are to you. We can have lot's of friends. You can be friends with men, women, beavers, even invisible people. Each one is a special grace God has placed on this earth. It doesn't matter how many friends you have. The greatest gift would be to have one great friend. If you have ONE truly great friend, someone you can tell ANY thing and EVERY thing to, then you are being blessed with a little piece of "Heaven" on earth. I love you all.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006



Lance Bass of Aaron Morey's favorite band "N'Sync" was recently quoted in a scholarly journal (People Magazine) as admitting to being Gay.

This comes literally seconds after Oprah's shocking announcement that she is NOT gay.

Is it just me or is our standard for "Big News" gotten a lot lower over the past few years. Now a days it seems like anyone with a big podium and a microphone can have a press conference.

Just today while walking to class I noticed Fr. Wild having a press conference to announce that the sculpture of Pere Marquette is back and better than ever.

HELLO! THERE IS A BIG FREAKIN STATUE THAT LOOKS LIKE A HOBBIT I think we're gonna notice that it is there.

So I am not longer concerned with Americans running out of Natrual Resources such as Oil, water, or M&Ms. We need to be worried about running out of press conferences. Now that Oprah and Lance are abusing the power of the press, anybody will be having a press conference. So one day we will run out of reporters to cover them, and there will be no one to report on the big news of the day. Scientists have discovered mythical Lockness monster in Austrailia!

Ladies and Gentlemen take my advice, if you're on a plane and you see a snake. Don't shout "There's a mother f***in snake on this plane!" Simply pray for Morgan Freeman to send the interecession of Samuel L. Jackson. Everything is going to be all right, rock a bye.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Dew Point of -8!?

Hello Ryan Packer and Aaron Morey. I hope you two are doing quite well since you are the only ones of my friends who read let alone read my blog.

Since this is more of an intimate gathering of acquaintances, we'll travel through the adventure that is this blog together. So let's buckle up and get ready.

The title of today's blog refers to the weather report I saw on Milwaukee's very own WTMJ 4. You might be familiar with them, they are the the local news station that encourages the touching of its anchors, reporters and staff. (Touch Today Today's TMJ 4) But please, don't really try and touch them, they are entagnled in many sexual misconduct cases as it is. They are right behind Superman.

On Thursday, my roommate Sam and myself will be making the trek North to Minnesota to visit our good friend Bryce's family cabin. It is apparently a 9 hour drive and with Sam's work schedule and gas mileage should put us in town no later than November 22, 2038. Now this is a good thing and let me tell you why.

November 22, 2038 will be the 75th anniversary of the day that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas. This is significant because all of the top secret info regarding who ACTUALLY killed JFK will be released to the public from the National Archives thanks to the Freedom of Information Act. So I'll be ready.

What kind of information has yet to be released you ask? Well very important things such as the socks that JFK were wearing. Why is this important. Well The Warren Commission would have you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK from the Texas School Book Depositry. They would also have you believe the doomed President was shot in the head thus ending the President's life. Well the truth is that a secret agent (probably a Nazi) was hiding in the floor of the Presidential Limo (no not like the ones i Drive) and shot JFK in the foot. The bullet traveled up his body to his head where it ignited the patch of dynamite that had been planted by Marilyn Monroe on one of her many "Fact finding" missions with the President. The end result is the explosion and eventual death of the president.

All right I kid I keed. I hope none of these key words ends up getting me flagged by homeland security...AGAIN.

On a lighter note I was relieved to know that Oprah is not, never has been, most likely will not be gay. I had a feeling she was straight. Glad she cleared that up for us. I saw the way she looked at Dr. Phil.

So to be a complete ripoff of David Letterman, here is a Top Ten List!

10. Your cell phone is constantly vibrating, and yet you have no vibration function.
9. Is that a pair of nail clippers in you pocket?
8. What do you mean the rubber-bands aren't free?
7. I love men.
6. Tommy Nelson needs serious therapy for his messed up love life.
5. Superman may have returned, but the kid is still a bastard.
4. Aaron Morey is right on Bobby's tail, if you know what I mean.
3. It's Student Sexy, not Student Safety.
2. Why is Derrick Turnbow always wearing a french maid outfit?
1. Fat guy on a bike

There you have it, A Top Ten List. Not really top ten anything.

Ladies and Gentlemen take my advice, if you're trying to impress somone or possibly even flirt with them, don't say even stupider things than you usually do. It's really not cool and quite psychotic if you ask me.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


SUPERMAN Returned...

All right. It has been just about a week since the long anticipated SUPERMAN RETURNS came flying into movie theatres. I had the distinct pleasure of viewing the film with some of my best friends. My reaction was not great at the time. And most of the following synopsis, not quite review yet, will be from the first reaction point of view. I've had a chance to see the movie a second time and enjoyed it more. I warn you I will be revealing HUGE plot elements so i you haven't seen the movie yet, stop reading this blog. But considering the fact that i only know 3 people who read this blog and they were all with me when i saw it, i guess it won't be too much of a problem. Up up and away!

I was surfing and read someone's opinion that they were absolutely thrilled and yet disappointed at the same time. I couldn't help but feel the exact same way. IT WAS GREAT seeing Superman in action. I just would laugh out of pure fanboy giddyness when he would rescue somebody. The music, the effects, the homage to the first film...great!

I was a little out of breath from running when the opening credits ran. I almost passed out. I just wanted to cry/laugh/scream at the same time. It was amazing hearing the John Williams score with the credits rolling. Visually it was beautiful. It was like sensory overload, I felt I needed to read every line of the credits while watching the journey through space.

This movie had soooo much to offer. But something just didn't feel right. The editing seemed a little odd at times and I noticed certain scenes that I've seen online missing.

Lex and Superman had 5 minutes on screen together. I timed it the second time i saw the movie. That includes 45 seconds back on the plane with Lois and Richard. This needs to be at least tripled for any future films. Its like they're were two different story lines that happened to interact eventually. And I know we all know Lex and Superman's history, it just felt like we needed more. Deep down we knew why Lex was beating the crap out of Superman, and yet if felt like we should have a better explanation for why Lex hates this guy so much.

More Martha Kent would be good. There were a lot of scenes of her online and even in the trailer that ended up on the cutting room floor. I would venture to say that would make the movie better. I could be wrong and I know it probably killed Bryan Singer to cut some of this stuff he did. 4 hours would be too long for most people to sit through a Superman movie. Although we better get an extended edition DVD like the LOTR treatment.

I bought everyone in their various roles from seeing the trailer except Lois. Kate didn't seem to do it for me in the trailer. But then the first time we see her in this movie and she is at the press confrence on the plane throwing questions out, I was like SHE IS LOIS! But then the whole "mommy" thing came into play. Lois Lane is not a mommy. It's not in her character for her to have someone so dependent on her such as a child, and i think that's why we had such a hard time buying Kate as Lois, because she wasn't the Lois we were used to. She was Lois if she had a kid. Which I am begining to accept.

Which raises my biggest complaint with the movie! THE KID. I have been afraid since i heard there was a kid in the movie that it would be Superman's but Singer is always talking about how you have to be true to the character that has been around since 1938. Well he screwed up here. Since 1938 Superman has never had a kid. There is a reason for that.

It adds a whole new dimension to who Superman is, just as being a father adds to any man. Now it is a unique aspect that would be interesting to explore with Superman. He would be a great dad. But not like this. Not out of wedlock. And no freakin Super Power please. Its one thing to be a husband and drop everything to go be Superman, but you can't really drop being a father to go stop a volcano etc...

Ihave had a chance to discuss the kid with my good Superman friends. It was brought to my attention that many of things we know and love Superman for were not straight out of "cannon." Kryptonite for example came from the Radio show in the 1940s. Flying was not even one of his original powers. So the more I thought about it, the more I was excited for Superman to finally have a son. This is something I may even hope comes to the comics, where Lois and Clark are happily MARRIED and Clark is himself, not hiding behind Superman. The way the movie is showing things, Lois doesn't even really know who Superman is. Let alone who Clark is. I think this needs to be adressed. This also raises some problems for the Man of Steel. Lex Luthor knows the kid is Supe's. Will Superman marry Lois? Or will Clark marry Lois? Assuming marriage is even brought into the picture. Is Superman going to be a father or will he simply "be around" as he so elegantly put it at the end of the movie. That's my problem with the kid, it just makes Kal-El seem kind of like a Deadbeat dad.

But the more I think about it, the more I can't blame this movie for Superman's seemingly lack of traditional morals. Superman II is where he actually slept with Lois. The kid is a direct result of Mario Puzzo promising to explore the sexuality of Superman back in the 1980s.

So it will be interesting to see where things go from here. I hope this clears up some things. I was having a really tough time right after seeing this movie. I saw people loving it like I loved Batman Begins and I really wanted to love it to jump up and down, but I couldn't bring myself to that level of excitement. That's what truly disappointed me. It could be a result of following a movie through production from casting to premire that builds up so much excitement no movie could deliver enough. But something wasn't completely right about this movie. My first reaction was that I wished Superman would kiss me so that i would forget everything.

IT will never rate anywhere near SUPERMAN THE MOVIE mostly b/c it just used a lot of the same script. Which as a fanboy i love and apriciate the effort but it seemed as if they were trying to do it too hard and too long. But I did LOVE the homages to the first film.

Ladies and Gentlemen take my advice, don't let any aerial mishaps put you off flying. Statistically speaking, it's still the safest way to travel.

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