Wednesday, June 21, 2006
105C Is My Hero
Great shades of Ryan Packer! Boy has it been a long time since I have posted on this blog. I think I actually forgot it existed til just moments ago. I was so sick of doing Spanish homework that I was actually reading my OWN Facebook profile as oppossed to stalking others. It was there that I discovered a link to a magical place called the 4077th cell phone blog spot.
I was like woah this seems kind of cool, i don't remember putting that in my profile. So I clicked the link and was instantly transported to the blog. Reading the previous entries, I couldn't help but be filled with such humility. The author must totally be one awesome dude, and one hot piece on man meat. That's when i started to realize how similar everything seemed to my own inner dialouge. Low and behold, IT'S MY BLOG. My real blog, not some fake blog perpetrated by the Department of Homeland Security to ruin me. But here I am it's me.
So as I have mentioned I've been in summer school. Taking Spanish 003 and not doing very well. Which is really upsetting and discouraging because I am not the bad student i used to be. It's just really really hard. And the fact that it's summer always makes me a little sad. I miss being home with my family, the parents, the sister, the cats and the dogs, all THREE of them now. Sparky is the latest addition to the Nelson clan. He is quite cute, but big, loud, and destructive. I am not sure how long he will last with Watson and Camper running the show.
Don't get me wrong I do have fun at work sometimes. It is mostly driving around aimlessly watching other people enjoy their freetime. I do like money and some of the companionship of my fellow workers. Other times i get sick of them, mostly because its the same people day in and day out. But I do enjoy them usually. One time that i had the most fun is when i was in Dispatch for 10 hours and one of my best friends joined me in an Indiana Jones movie marathon. We only got through the first 2. But on my extended 10-7 we took a nice walk around campus. It was really awesome. I opened up like I haven't in a long time.
This past weekend was Kyrios # 27, my 15th overall and consecutive. I currently hold the active record for most consecutive. Gutz holds the overall and consecutive but has missed some so I can certainly catch up. Dave Spataro missed this one so that gives me a little buffer. Putting I believe Bobby VanSistine as the closest person behind me in consecutive with Aaron Morey close on his tail (no puns intended).
May the Lord Jesus be praised and A DOOR ed from every mountain top.
Ladies and Gentlemen take my advice, if you ever get the chance to vote on a U.S. Sentate resolution, outlawing the use of self inflating stories in life....VOTE YES. Together we can stop Dave Spataro.
All right that was a little mean, let's try again
Ladies and gentlemen take my advice, if you ever want to use a gun to rob a Jimmy Johns', make sure you rob one that isn't 15 feet from a Public Safety Department with cameras everywhere. Especially if you don't want to be chased down by one LT. Use your head not your rubics cube.
I was like woah this seems kind of cool, i don't remember putting that in my profile. So I clicked the link and was instantly transported to the blog. Reading the previous entries, I couldn't help but be filled with such humility. The author must totally be one awesome dude, and one hot piece on man meat. That's when i started to realize how similar everything seemed to my own inner dialouge. Low and behold, IT'S MY BLOG. My real blog, not some fake blog perpetrated by the Department of Homeland Security to ruin me. But here I am it's me.
So as I have mentioned I've been in summer school. Taking Spanish 003 and not doing very well. Which is really upsetting and discouraging because I am not the bad student i used to be. It's just really really hard. And the fact that it's summer always makes me a little sad. I miss being home with my family, the parents, the sister, the cats and the dogs, all THREE of them now. Sparky is the latest addition to the Nelson clan. He is quite cute, but big, loud, and destructive. I am not sure how long he will last with Watson and Camper running the show.
Don't get me wrong I do have fun at work sometimes. It is mostly driving around aimlessly watching other people enjoy their freetime. I do like money and some of the companionship of my fellow workers. Other times i get sick of them, mostly because its the same people day in and day out. But I do enjoy them usually. One time that i had the most fun is when i was in Dispatch for 10 hours and one of my best friends joined me in an Indiana Jones movie marathon. We only got through the first 2. But on my extended 10-7 we took a nice walk around campus. It was really awesome. I opened up like I haven't in a long time.
This past weekend was Kyrios # 27, my 15th overall and consecutive. I currently hold the active record for most consecutive. Gutz holds the overall and consecutive but has missed some so I can certainly catch up. Dave Spataro missed this one so that gives me a little buffer. Putting I believe Bobby VanSistine as the closest person behind me in consecutive with Aaron Morey close on his tail (no puns intended).
May the Lord Jesus be praised and A DOOR ed from every mountain top.
Ladies and Gentlemen take my advice, if you ever get the chance to vote on a U.S. Sentate resolution, outlawing the use of self inflating stories in life....VOTE YES. Together we can stop Dave Spataro.
All right that was a little mean, let's try again
Ladies and gentlemen take my advice, if you ever want to use a gun to rob a Jimmy Johns', make sure you rob one that isn't 15 feet from a Public Safety Department with cameras everywhere. Especially if you don't want to be chased down by one LT. Use your head not your rubics cube.