Monday, August 07, 2006



I apologize but this is going to be along the lines of serious. This will be a little insight into my relationship with a special someone. It's not Aaron Morey (for those that were thinking shame shame and double shame Kristen knows where you live) This is actually, about my faith and relationship with Jesus.

I just got back from spending the weekend feeling like an oldman on Kyrios 28. It seemed like it was a good weekend and a good time was had by all. I was COMPLETELY exhausted today when I woke up despite achieving adequate sleep hours. I guess I just really am getting old.

Anyways I was walking to Gesu from sleeping in my spanish class today. I was reflecting on the Kyrios weekend and the role that Kyrios has had in my life for such a very long time now. I remembered how in the old days Kyrios was sometimes about hanging out with a cute girl or something. But as I've grown up I've realized the weekend is all ABOUT GOD! Don't get me wrong, the girls are still cute, but they are born in the 1990s.

So I was thinking about what it is like to fall in love with someone or have a crush on someone. And I realized that should be the way we think or feel about Jesus. Now as with any of my metaphors, this one is not perfect, but it still worth reflecting upon.

When you are in love or infatuated with someone, what goes on?

It seems like all you can think about is that person.
You rearrange your schedule to try run into them randomly throught your day.
You can't help but get lost in their eyes when you're talking to them.
When you're with them it's as if nothing else in the world really matters.
Everything just feels right.
You love talking to that person but you equally love just being with that person, even if no words are spoken.
You try and think of fun and cute things to do for the person.
You can't help but talk about that person to other people.

We've all had these feelings about somebody at one point in our life. But what if we took these feelings and applied them towards our relationship with Jesus?

What if as we went through are day Jesus was always on our mind? What if we try to encounter Him more and more through Mass or Adoration chapel?
What if when Praying to Jesus all that mattered was that we were with Him?
What if we took more time out to just pray and sometimes when we couldn't find the words we just listen?
You do fun and cute things for other people for Jesus
You talk about Jesus to other people.

I don't know, maybe this is how some of you already feel about Jesus. But I've never been able to say that I am madly in love with Him. I know He is madly in love with us, He died on the cross, so I am not really sure what my point is beyond trying to make Jesus Lord of Our Life!

Ladies and gentlemen take my advice, if you are ever burning alive, eventually you will be laughing so hard that you will need a moment now. Remember these important words for that moment, LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA

you are my joy

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