Sunday, September 16, 2007
She boy what? Thats right, She boy gan

Allright, it has clearly been a long....LONG time since Ive posted on this blog. And probably even longer since anyone has read it. But it is pretty scary that all this stuff is still floating around on the internet.
Well I've decided I need to start doing more productive things. Yes I know what you're thinking, "Tommy what could be possibly be more productive than watching episodes of The West Wing and Law & Order all day?" Well you're probably right, not a whole lot. I am convinced I will be able to one day pass the bar exam and possibly become President of the United States based on the information I have acquired thus far. But one of the things me and my good friend Aaron Morey Morey have learned is that we enjoy making people laugh. So hopefully this blog will be a chance to practice writing.
So i am going to try and analyze football games, politics, current events, as well as answering that never ending question that has plagued generations for ever, what happens to convicted fellons possessions when they go to jail?
So together we will embark on this adventure. I hope you either enjoy it, or hate, but i hope you have some kind of verb to go with it. With that let's begin shall we?
I can't wait for Lettermen and Craig Ferguson this week. OJ Simpson has once again graciously volunteered himself to be the star of what will certainly be some late night monolouges in the next couple weeks.
If you haven't heard OJ which is short for OJ, Simpson, has been arrested in connection to an armed robbery. Thats right armed robberry. Allegedly he broke into a hotel room with 6 other armed men to steel sports memoribillia. I believe I heard he has been arraigned on 6 counts of armed robbery. I think there is a joke here somewhere, but i am pretty sure it writes itself. This is an actual quote from Simpson, "I thought what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" I didn't make that up, i wish i had. Simpson is also claiming that he was just getting back property that was rightly his own.
On a related note New England Patriots Quarterback spoke out about the teams alleged tapping of the other teams signals with a cameraman claiming the signals were actually the Patriots and they were just taking back what was rightly their own. Thus continuing the Patriots path of being the team with the attitude of all spoiled rotten brats.
A look at the NFC central standings brings delight to my toes.
Packers 2-0
Lions 2-0
Vikings 1-1
Bears 1-1
The Packers surprised everyone today by unveiling the fact that they actually have an offense. A kick butt one at that. Granted the Giants are not the best team in the world, but they are better than Notre Dame. Way better than Marquette's football team. But Breat Favre became the NFL's all time winningest QB today with 149 all time wins. Its going to be a season of record breaking for Favre who also today broke the record today for being the person John Madden talks about the most. Quite the excitement for Green Bay's favorite son.
I guess thats all for now, but i sure hope this gets to be entertaining for everyone. As it is for me.
Ladies and gentlemen take my advice, "I have a wide stance" is not an acceptable excuse for being stupid enough to let "Fake cops" into your apartment and rob all your fancy stuff. Long Live MUSG
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"Allegedly he broke into a hotel room with 6 other armed men to steel sports memoribillia."
OJ Simpson: the Man of Steal?
OJ Simpson: the Man of Steal?
Question: What happens to a convicted felon's possessions when their possessions are what they convicted of stealing?
Also, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
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Also, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
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