Saturday, September 22, 2007
Tomatoes Not Guns
Good evening everybody I am the internet's Tommy Nelson, please please sit down, it is really not necessarry to stand and applaude for a blog once it is loaded. Unless of course you have a really slow internet connection. It's a great day for America isn't it? Not such a great day if your a tomato in the city of Milwaukee. Today was what I believe to be the first annual Tomato Festival in Milwaukee. Essentially it was actually just an excuse to drink Bloody Mary's and for people to get drunk. The highlight had to of course occur when 60 participants were allowed to enter a cage, yes a cage, and have a great Tomato fight. I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in the first round of the fighting and let me tell you as a first hand witness to it. It was quite a seedy event if I do say so myself. No one appeared to be seriously injured, but boy was it exciting. Tomatoes flying every which way. Reminds this blogger of his days back in 'Nam. But then of course you have to remember that I wasn't born yet. The cage match was quite insane. There was a thin line of goo everywhere and the tomatoes were squishy. Insane, goo everywhere, and squishy. Remind you of anyone?
Not such a good day for "Republican" Presidential Candidate Rudy "Hobbit" Gulianni. While giving an address at the NRA or as some like to call it the National Rave Association, Mr. Rudy recieved a cell phone call from his wife.
As you can see in the video it's apparently not the first time this has occurred. Now using this as my own political analysis platform, I am not really sure what message this is suppossed to send. Are these phone calls staged? I would have to say they are. The manner in which the former mayor reacts or rather doesn't react to the occurence makes me question the actual randomness of the event. So if that is true Rudy is using his family as an attempt to gain political clout. This to me is fairly cheap and not a great tactic.
If by chance this is not a staged event and random occurence, it sends a pretty terrible message about what a future Rudy Presidency might hold. Vote for Me: "I will interupt State of the Union, or better yet an important Intellegence Briefing in the White House Situation Room in order to take a phone call from my wife."
As my good friend and former ex-wife Aaron Morey put it, I am all for making time for your family, but using them as campaign event is pretty cheap. Or worse yet, not having proper time management skills to balance public life with priavte is a not a great Resume builder when applying for the Presidency of the United States.
Len Nicolosi on the other hand has always been an advocate for good time management skills.
On the other other hand, the election continues to not be occuring until November 2008.
On the other other other hand, there is a 3 fingured glove.
Ever hear of the song classical gas? Great instrumental piece. I am gonna go try and find that. And no classical gas is not that strange odor eminating from the Men's Catholic House.
Well I certainly hope someone other than Aaron Michael Francis Morey aka The Whip got some kind of enjoyment out of this. And Mr. Rudy by the way, if you are in fact elected to the White House, please consider me as the official White House blogger.
Ladies and gentlmen take my advice, the same strategy should not be successful twice in the same night of Mafia. In case it is, no hard feelings should exist between participants. Afterall it is just a game. But on the other other other other other other other hand, so was Jumanji.
Not such a good day for "Republican" Presidential Candidate Rudy "Hobbit" Gulianni. While giving an address at the NRA or as some like to call it the National Rave Association, Mr. Rudy recieved a cell phone call from his wife.
As you can see in the video it's apparently not the first time this has occurred. Now using this as my own political analysis platform, I am not really sure what message this is suppossed to send. Are these phone calls staged? I would have to say they are. The manner in which the former mayor reacts or rather doesn't react to the occurence makes me question the actual randomness of the event. So if that is true Rudy is using his family as an attempt to gain political clout. This to me is fairly cheap and not a great tactic.
If by chance this is not a staged event and random occurence, it sends a pretty terrible message about what a future Rudy Presidency might hold. Vote for Me: "I will interupt State of the Union, or better yet an important Intellegence Briefing in the White House Situation Room in order to take a phone call from my wife."
As my good friend and former ex-wife Aaron Morey put it, I am all for making time for your family, but using them as campaign event is pretty cheap. Or worse yet, not having proper time management skills to balance public life with priavte is a not a great Resume builder when applying for the Presidency of the United States.
Len Nicolosi on the other hand has always been an advocate for good time management skills.
On the other other hand, the election continues to not be occuring until November 2008.
On the other other other hand, there is a 3 fingured glove.
Ever hear of the song classical gas? Great instrumental piece. I am gonna go try and find that. And no classical gas is not that strange odor eminating from the Men's Catholic House.
Well I certainly hope someone other than Aaron Michael Francis Morey aka The Whip got some kind of enjoyment out of this. And Mr. Rudy by the way, if you are in fact elected to the White House, please consider me as the official White House blogger.
Ladies and gentlmen take my advice, the same strategy should not be successful twice in the same night of Mafia. In case it is, no hard feelings should exist between participants. Afterall it is just a game. But on the other other other other other other other hand, so was Jumanji.